Thursday, September 21, 2006

A vida sexual dos Animais. Para o Espumante com um enorme esforço de investigação

Ele há leões...

For every cub that survives to yearling stage, lions copulate an estimated 3000 times. Only 1 estrus in 5 results in progeny and estrus lasts c. 4 days, during which couples mate 2.2 times/hour.
The lions mate over long periods of time, frequently copulating twenty to forty times a day. During a mating bout, which could last several days, the couple are likely to forgo hunting. At times the female may couple with other males in the pride, giving rise to the possibility of different cubs in the same litter having different fathers. In captivity, Lions reproduce very well.

E ele há joaninhas...

The Sex Life of the Ladybirds: Perversities

Yep, even ladybirds have perversities. On the Petri dishes on display in the labs one can often witness scenes of necrophilia, whereby the male individuals copulate with dead females (sometimes even dead males). Male individuals approach such copulation with grave seriousness, spending as much time on it as they would with a living partner.

Cases of sodomy can also be found, although relatively rarely, among ladybirds living in the wild. The males of one breed attempt to copulate with females of another breed. In some cases, due to the mismatch of reproductive organs, the partners have a hard time detaching from each other, consequently suffering extensive injuries from the intercourse. Crossbreed copulation is believed to be counter-productive as it does not produce offspring and is thus pointless.

Ladybirds, the seemingly cute and innocent creatures with a pretty name, have a propensity to cannibalism. The most violent cannibals are the larvae. However the adults can also indulge in devouring the eggs of the same kind. Pressed by the lack of food the female ladybirds can be found eating the eggs they’ve laid themselves. Such behaviour can be justified: if the environment holds no resources for the female, then it will hardly be able to supply the necessary food for her offspring. By eating the eggs, the females keep themselves alive and boost their ability to lay eggs for when the better times come. Thus, maternal cannibalism has more biological reason than the male’s disposition to sodomy and necrophilia.

Sexual promiscuity, it turns out, is punishable not only for humans, but for ladybirds as well. Adalias have been found to carry an extremely rare STD for the invertebrate animals. Half of the Adalis monitored during their autumn migration were found to have been infected with ticks. There can be up to 20 mature ticks parasites residing on one ladybird. Such parasites were previously found in tropical breeds of ladybirds and named coccipolipus.

Studies at Cambridge have come across two important facts about the relationship of the ticks with the ladybirds. Firstly, the ticks living under the wings of the ladybirds spread during long hours of their copulation. Secondly, although the ticks do not affect the ladybirds themselves significantly, they can radically change the physiology of the female ladybirds, causing them to produce eggs that are incapable of growing into baby ladybirds. These facts suffice for us to label the ticks as an STD.

Some readers may find the private life of the ladybirds resembling human sex life. This has a fairly simple explanation. Sexual reproduction, typical for animals, seeks the same goal and takes similar forms of collaborative work of functionally different partners.

Ps: encontrei ainda isto, fartei-me de rir, parece um Kamasutra para joaninhas elaborado por um descendente dos Romanov... continuei, contudo, sem saber o número de cópulas das ditas cujas!...


Anonymous said...

Tu és demais! Com direito a pesquisa e tudo! Que interessa o número de vezes quando se tem até direito a umas perversidades ocasionais? Tou a vê-las de cabedale chicotinho... O espumadamente que nos perdoe, mas não há leão que lhes chegue às patitas. Com esta arrumaste-o!

Brottas said...

mesmo assim acho os leoes mais fascinantes...

Anonymous said...

How come an intelligent, smart ans interesting girl (at least you look like...)like you are on the sodomizer, necrophiliac, cannibal and sex promiscous unsuspicious lady bird side, against the nobel and forty-timer lion? By the way, I've read that a lion can copulate 73 times a day, but I'm not feeding an argument, for God's sake :))
On the other hand, lion roars during sexual intercourse, whereas ladybirds just opens their ridiculous wings. Also, lions do serve the purpose of playing football whilst ladybirds only known use is to be decorating kids stuff.
By I insist, how come a girl like you... how on hearth a girl like you... hummm, just forget it, I promise not to bother you again with lady bird related sex matters. If it comes to lions, then I will only be too glad to assist with further information. Particularly upon the fact that a lion does copulate 73 times instead of 40.
Beijinhos leoninos


Filipa said...

125azul: achei graça a esta conversa, ontem andava com um ar muito sério atras do computador a procura desta tralha toda! e sim, as joaninhas mais, pelo menos, mais originais nas suas actividades lúdicas! :)

brottas: os leões são sempre mais fascinates, é óbvio! Mas isso não impede os outros bichinhos de terem as suas curiosidades íntimas!

espumante: pronto, ganhaste! fartei-me de rir (ainda agora estou!) com o teu comentário!
mas deixa-me que te diga que as raparigas interessantes também têm o direito de se interessar por promiscuidades! :)

asdrubal tudo bem said...

Os leões parecem-se com alguns homens, não não é por darem 20 a 40 quecas por dia (quem dera muitos homens terem direito a isso num ano) é por serem tão primitivos, não há antes nem depois só durante. Gostei das fotografias.

Brottas said...

eu ate gosto de joaninhas, so disse que perfiro os leoes, por acaso no outro dia tive para comprar um livro bastante interessante que falava do sexo dos animais “Consultório Sexual da Dra. Tatiana para toda a Criação”, de Olívia Judson

Filipa said...

achei que estavas a gozar mas fui ver o livro à amazon e parece ser bem giro! :)